Lid Infections |
The eyelid margin has many glands. Tiny glands which secrete sweat and tears
surround the eyelashes, while larger oil secreting glands are present in a row
further behind, within the lid plate. Inflammation of these glands presents as a
swelling of the eyelid.
Stye is an acute inflammation caused by bacteria of the glands around the
eyelashes. The swelling is painful, red and often shows a pus point near the
lashes. The problem is relieved by warm compresses, antibiotic drops and
ointments and some medication for the pain. Removing an eyelash, if over a pus
point allows the pus to escape and allows quick healing.
Chalazion |
Stye |
Inflammation of the larger oil glands, which are behind the lashes, also shows
as a swelling, which is often painless. The swelling appears smooth from outside
and is seen as a reddish swelling on the inner side of the eyelid. This
condition, called chalazion is usually treated with warm compresses and
ointments. Sometimes it may also become painful and then more vigorous treatment
is required. Chalazia which do not shrink are treated with injections into the
eyelid or a small operation to remove the trapped secretions.