Infective Conjunctivitis
Infective conjunctivitis is a cause for worry since it has the potential to spread in the school. Infective conjunctivitis is characterized by red eyes (usually both eyes are affected) with discharge and difficulty in bright light.
Conjunctivitis does not spread by looking at an affected person. It spreads by contact & objects contaminated by contact (fomites). Usually infective conjunctivitis is benign and self-limited. Usually it takes about a week to ten days to remit.

To prevent conjunctivitis
• Do NOT share anything that has touched the eye of someone with this contagious condition -- like door handles, pens, handkerchief, pillowcases, sheets, towels, or eyeliner.
• Wash your hands right away if you have come in contact with someone with conjunctivitis.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis Viral Conjunctivitis

Red Eyes - Introduction | Vernal Conjunctivitis | Infective Conjunctivitis
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