What are the problems faced by a patient with squint?
When the eyes are not aligned properly, each eye is focusing on a different object and sends two different signals to the brain. These two different images reaching the brain lead to various problems. In children it can cause loss of depth perception (3D vision) and lazy eye disease (poor development of vision in the squinting eye).

What are the symptoms of squint?
In a child, the parents may notice the deviation of eyes. It is important to remember that the eyes of a newborn are rarely aligned at birth. Most establish alignment at 3-4 weeks of age. Therefore squint in any child who is more than one month old must be taken seriously and should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist. There is no variety of squint which will correct itself spontaneously without any medical intervention. So, please do not wait as the development of vision happens early in life.

What is the aim of the treatment for squint?
The aim of treatment of squint in order of importance are:
• Preserve or restore vision
• Straighten the eyes
• Restore 3D vision

When should the squint be treated?
In a child, the treatment of squint and any associated amblyopia should be started as soon as detected. Generally speaking, the younger the age at which amblyopia is treated, the better is the chance of recovery of vision. Remember that the child would never grow out of squint. A delay in treatment may decrease the chances of getting a good alignment and vision. Earlier the better!

Squint: Introduction | Signs & Symptoms | Non-Surgical Treatment | Surgical Treatment
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